家长们应注意 iPhone 上的 NameDrop 功能

软餐获悉,俄亥俄州的米德尔敦警察局向家长们发布了警示,提醒他们注意苹果在 iOS 17 更新中引入的 NameDrop 功能。该功能允许用户只需与其他 iPhone 或 Apple Watch 用户互相靠近设备,即可快速分享自己的个人联系方式(姓名、邮箱、电话号码等)。该功能实际上是 AirDrop 的升级功能。虽然为朋友间分享信息提供了便利,但不法分子可能会滥用它来套取未成年人的个人信息,以用于身份盗窃或网络欺凌等。

警方提醒,家长应向孩子解释 NameDrop 功能的用途和潜在的风险,并关注孩子们的在线活动。必要时,可在 iOS 17 上关闭 NameDrop 功能,方法是进入 iPhone 设置应用 – 常规 – AirDrop – 接收 AirDrop 下,将 “Bringing Devices Together”(将设备集合在一起)选项切换为 “Off” 。

The Middleton Police Department in Ohio issued a warning to parents, reminding them to be aware of the NameDrop feature introduced in iOS 17 by Apple. This feature allows users to quickly share their personal information (such as name, email, phone number, etc.) with other iPhone or Apple Watch users simply by being near each other’s devices. In fact, this feature is an upgraded version of AirDrop. While it provides convenience for sharing information among friends, criminals may abuse it to obtain minors’ personal information for identity theft or cyberbullying.

The police advise parents to explain the purpose and potential risks of the NameDrop feature to their children and monitor their online activities. If necessary, they can disable the NameDrop function on iOS 17 by going into the iPhone settings app – General – AirDrop – under Receive AirDrop, switch off the “Bringing Devices Together” option.



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