TikTok 试图在美国复制电商直播业务

软餐获悉,据华尔街日报,TikTok 正试图复制抖音电商在中国的成功模式,以吸引美国的购物者。TikTok 今年 9 月面向美国的 1.5 亿月活跃用户推出了电商服务,它希望力争使其平台商品交易总额 (GMV) 从 2022 年的不到 50 亿美元增至 200 亿美元。高盛 (Goldman Sachs) 预计,未来几年,中国直播电商业的 GMV 将以每年 18% 的速度增长,而整体电商的增速为 11%。抖音的竞争对手快手科技的电商业务同样实现了高速增长,在截至 9 月份的季度里,快手的 GMV 同比增长 30%。相比之下,京东截至 9 月财季的营收仅同比增长 2%。不过,政治因素可能成为 TikTok 在海外复制推广直播电商的绊脚石,TikTok 在美国可能再次成为众矢之的。

According to The Wall Street Journal, TikTok is trying to replicate the successful model of Douyin’s e-commerce in China to attract American shoppers. In September of this year, TikTok launched its e-commerce service for its 150 million monthly active users in the United States, aiming to increase its platform’s Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) from less than $5 billion in 2022 to $20 billion. Goldman Sachs predicts that the GMV of China’s live-streaming e-commerce industry will grow at an annual rate of 18% in the coming years, while overall e-commerce growth is projected at 11%. Douyin’s competitor, Kuaishou Technology, has also achieved rapid growth in its e-commerce business with a YoY GMV increase of 30% as of September quarter. In comparison, JD.com only saw a YoY revenue growth of 2% for the quarter ending in September. However, political factors may hinder TikTok’s overseas replication and promotion of live-streaming e-commerce, making it a target once again in the United States.



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