诞生 20 周年,文本编辑器 Notepad++8.6 版发布

软餐获悉,文本编辑器 Notepad++官方发布了最新的 Notepad++ 8.6 版,以纪念该编辑器诞生 20 周年。Notepad++ 8.6 是一个较小的版本,包含多处 Bug 修复、新的多重编辑功能(允许用户在文本文档的多个位置添加或删除字符)、自定义多选背景和护理颜色等。

The official release of the latest version, Notepad++ 8.6, has been announced by the text editor Notepad++, commemorating its 20th anniversary. Notepad++ 8.6 is a minor release that includes several bug fixes, new multiple editing capabilities (allowing users to add or remove characters at multiple positions within a text document), customizable multi-selection backgrounds and caret colors, and more.

诞生20周年,文本编辑器 Notepad++8.6版发布


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