
软餐获悉,索尼正在为其相机开发 “真实性技术”,相机的处理器会自动为照片生成数字证书,这可以帮助验证照片的真实性。索尼声称,即使在编辑元数据后,数字证书仍会保留。索尼希望在生成式人工智能兴起、照片伪造大行其道的背景之下,借此帮助新闻机构打击假冒图像。该技术已经过美联社的测试。照片管理应用程序 Photo Mechanic 的开发商 Camera Bits 也为这项技术做出了贡献。第一批采用该技术的相机是 Alpha 9 III 、 Alpha 1 和 Alpha 7S III 。数字证书的更新将于 2024 年春季发布。

Sony is developing “Authenticity Technology” for its cameras, where the camera’s processor automatically generates a digital certificate for photos to help verify their authenticity. Sony claims that even after editing the metadata, the digital certificate remains intact. Sony aims to assist news agencies in combating fake images amid the rise of generative artificial intelligence and rampant photo manipulation. The technology has been tested by The Associated Press, and Camera Bits, the developer of the photo management application Photo Mechanic, has contributed to this initiative. The first batch of cameras to adopt this technology includes the Alpha 9 III, Alpha 1, and Alpha 7S III. Updates for the digital certificate will be released in spring 2024.



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