软餐获悉,Adobe 刚刚收购了一家位于印度的 AI 初创公司 Rephrase.ai,这是 Adobe 在 AI 领域的首次收购。Rephrase.ai 主要通过 AI 技术将文本转换为虚拟形象视频,并运营着一家基于 AI 技术的视频内容平台。Rephrase.ai 可以结合文字脚本、用户头像转换为带有用户形象的视频,可用于市场营销、客户沟通、节日问候等商业场景。在被 Adobe 收购前,Rephrase.ai 已募集了 1390 万美元融资。
Adobe has recently acquired Rephrase.ai, an AI startup based in India. This marks Adobe’s first acquisition in the field of AI. Rephrase.ai primarily utilizes AI technology to transform text into virtual avatar videos and operates an AI-based video content platform. Rephrase.ai is capable of generating videos with user avatars by combining text scripts and user profiles, which can be utilized in various commercial scenarios such as marketing, customer communication, and holiday greetings. Prior to the acquisition by Adobe, Rephrase.ai had raised $13.9 million in funding.