Edge 113 Dev version released: New Bing button can be hidden in settings

Edge 113 Dev版发布:可在设置中隐藏new Bing按钮

Microsoft has released the Dev version (Build 113.0.1774.3) of Microsoft Edge. This version supports hiding the large new Bing button from the Edge sidebar (Settings – Sidebar); a new filtering tool has been introduced in the address bar; and image editing tools have been improved, allowing for editing of images from either the right-click menu or visual search menu. Additionally, Microsoft Edge’s Android version has added a Wallpaper Center feature. Microsoft plans to release Edge 113 Beta on April 11th, 2023 and finally release a stable version on May 4th.

Download Edge Dev 113 from the official website: https://www.microsoftedgeinsider.com/en-us/download

Edge 113 Dev version released: New Bing button can be hidden in settings


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